The Global Pound Conference North America Reports

Conflict Dialogue

The Global Pound Conference North America Reports

Annual Report Cover
Annual Report Cover

Initiated by IMI, the GPC Series 2016-17 was a collection of 28 conferences held in 22 countries across the globe. It was conceived as an opportunity for members of the commercial community to come together and engage in dialogue about commercial dispute resolution (DR), as well as collect actionable data that could be used to challenge the status quo.

A suite of eight GPC North America reports has been created as part of an IMI project funded by the AAA-ICDR Foundation. These reports focus on the findings from the data collected at GPC events across North America between 2016-17.  These reports will be released through the month of January.

There are seven reports that present local findings for each city that hosted a GPC event in North America. Each of these reports explores the characteristics of users of DR in each jurisdiction, how the market responds to their needs, obstacles and challenges facing commercial DR and provide a vision for the future.
The final regional report is the culmination of the findings and provides a comparative analysis of jurisdictions across North America.

The complete suite of reports includes:


Conflict Dialogue

Divided Community Project, Joint Campus-Law Enforcement Preparation for Campus Demonstrations and Hate Incidents Amid Violence in the Middle East: Ideas for an Agenda (2024)


Watch the AAA-ICDR Foundation Special Initiative Grant recipient National Civic League’s Center for Democracy Innovation’s Webinar ‘What Do People Need to Feel Heard? Replacing Microphones with Deliberation.’

Conflict Dialogue

Strategies and tools for an effective approach to democratic engagement across dividing lines in your community.