Francesco Rossi
Frank Rossi is an Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Revenue Officer for the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and its international division, the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR).
Mr. Rossi is responsible for the case management operations and business development of the AAA-ICDR, and has served as Treasurer of the AAA-ICDR Foundation. In addition, Frank spearheads the AAA’s Strategic Planning efforts, leads the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), and plans and oversees all construction projects related to AAA office facilities. He serves on the AAA’s Information Systems Steering Committee and is a member of AAA’s Retirement Plan Committee. For over two decades, Frank was AAA’s liaison to the Audit Committee, Budget & Finance Committee, and Investment Committee of AAA’s Council or Board of Directors. He led AAA’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) initiatives and was previously a director on the Board of the International Mediation Institute. During various points in his career with the AAA, Mr. Rossi has also managed the Finance Department, State Insurance operations, IT Department, Human Resources Department, Facilities Management Department, Internal Audit Department, and Intake & Statistics Department.