Community Mediation Services of Central Ohio: Best Practices for an On-site, Court-based Eviction Mediation Program

Community ADR

Community Mediation Services of Central Ohio: Best Practices for an On-site, Court-based Eviction Mediation Program

Woman reading paper looks stressed
Woman reading paper looks stressed

This document describes CMS’s process for providing Tenant-Landlord mediation services on-site daily at Franklin County Municipal Court during scheduled eviction hearings. This process begins with identifying the geographic area’s need for eviction prevention services and ends with the case follow-up procedure necessary to determine the longer term impact of mediated eviction-prevention related agreements. This document is directed to other non-profit organizations interested in developing a similar program in their geographic area.


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Watch the AAA-ICDR Foundation Special Initiative Grant recipient National Civic League’s Center for Democracy Innovation’s Webinar ‘What Do People Need to Feel Heard? Replacing Microphones with Deliberation.’

Conflict Dialogue

Strategies and tools for an effective approach to democratic engagement across dividing lines in your community.