Recorded Webinar: Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Insights from Ukrainian Social Psychologist Dr. Iryna Eihelson


Recorded Webinar: Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Insights from Ukrainian Social Psychologist Dr. Iryna Eihelson

Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Insights from Ukrainian Social Psychologist Dr. Iryna Eihelson
Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Insights from Ukrainian Social Psychologist Dr. Iryna Eihelson

On May 3, 2023, the AAA-ICDR Foundation and grantee Mediators Beyond Borders International hosted a special presentation by Ukrainian social psychologist, Dr. Iryna Eihelson. The talk focused on the importance of trauma-informed practices when working with people affected by humanitarian crises. Dr. Eihelson’s observations are informed by her experience as a psychologist, a conflict transformation practitioner, a peace educator, and as an internally displaced person from Crimea. In 2022 the AAA-ICDR Foundation, responding to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and ensuing humanitarian crisis, provided a Rapid Response grant to Mediators Beyond Borders International to work in partnership with the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine on trauma awareness for mediators and dialogue facilitators. The project was dedicated to not only reducing conflict and violence, but also to improving access to justice in Ukraine and supporting displaced Ukrainians. Come learn insights from the impact and evaluation of this work, and how trauma-informed practices can and should be utilized in other areas of conflict and peacebuilding. 


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